The complete list of early Pink Floyd recordings version 1.0.1 19apr95 (c) 1995 Gerhard Den Hollander For sources, list of abbreviations, differences etc. see below Please send all corrections, additions, comments, tapes to: Syntax: [*][Date]Description[length][ROIO][comment][*] Date in day month format Length in mm:ss format Roio, see ABRV guide !!!! Items marked between * * are itemes I do not have. !!!! If you have any of these, and if you are willing to dub me (trade) !!!! an audio copy. !!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do so 1965 =========================== 1965 ============================ 15apr Lucy Leave/King Bee 5:58 Syds first trip Video, no sound 1966 =========================== 1966 ============================ Jokers Wild 7" 4:46 Why do fools/Don't ask me * Jokers Wild EP 5 tracks, 1 sided * 31oct Let's roll another one 3:07 [W] raw ``demo'' =========================== 1967 ============================ * EMI outtakes 6:00 AD,SC,IO CBC Interview 10:00 Flaming, US 7" mix early Studio outtakes with dialog IO *20jan UFO Club 0:27 Granada TV, IO 27feb IO 5:00 [W]French EP * 7mar Scene Special, MM* 11mar Arnold Layne/Candy : [ES] Official single 11apr IO 9:30 [TLAMLIL] movie version 11apr IO/NB 29:00 [TLAMLIL+] 14may Look of the week AD 23may See Emily Play 2:40 [MP] Acetate, slightly different 16jun AD 5:00 16jun See Emily Play 2:40 [ES] Official single * 6jul SEP BBC-TV, first TOTP appearance 9jul The Roundhouse, London AD *20jul SEP BBC-TV, second TOTP appearance 23jul Carlisle Ballroom 4:30 RiG,STC *27jul SEP BBC-TV, third TOTP appearance 28jul BBC Saterday club 7:47 SC,G,MM 5aug PATGOD stereo, mono mixes 41:58 not sure if stereo and mono mix were released the same day. 7aug Apples and Oranges 3:00 [ES] Official Single *12aug Saterday club The Brilliant BBC lost all recordings of this show, they are presumed lost for ever ;( *10sep Interview with Roger Waters 3:00 Swedish Radio* 11sep Starclub Copenhagen 34:35 RiG,AL,OiaM,MM,STLS,AD 30sep Top Gear show 14:00 Fl,A&O,Sc,G 9oct Scream Thy Last Scream/Vege 7:17 [ES] Withdrawn Single 12nov Oude ahoy Hallen 44:00 RiG,PRTH,STLS,STC,IO Date is dubious 19dec Top Gear 14:00 PowR,STLS,JB =========================== 1968 ============================ Milky Way 3:00 Syd barrett * San Fransisco Soundtrack 15:07 IO * Jugband Blues : ?Outtake? Julia Dream : Very raw outtake/demo * It Would Be So Nice record 3:39 Recording date (evening standard)* 13feb IWBSN/Julia Dream 6:14 [ES] Official Single 13feb? Julia Dream 2:35 Acetate (clearer mix) *19feb AD,SC Belgian TV* *20feb AD,Fl,STC Belgian TV* 19apr Piper Club, ROMA 15:00 AD,STC, whole concert recorded by VPRO Radio (dutch) Masters supposedly still exist may The Committe, movie soundtr 15:00 6may Roma, Piper club 6:30 IO 28may SB: EMI Outtakes 13:40 Dark Globe, Instr #1 #2 Singing a song in the morning Milky Way #1, #2 Swan Lee (instr) Long Gone 31may Fantasio Club amsterdam 34:00 KSP,LTBML,IO,Fl,*missing STC,ASOS* 25jun Top Gear 15:05 JD,LTBML,MW,MGOH 29jun A Saucerfull Of Secrets 37:54 Mono/Stereo mixes 20jul SB: Clowns and Jugglers 3:25 3 takes * aug All You need is Love BBCTV 2:30 STC* 18aug 8:30 [MU] STC, GITC * sep Fantasio club Amsterdam 63:00 LTBML,IO,STC,Axe,Fl* * sep The Psychedlic Club,Paris 1:55 LTBML* 7sep Samedie et Campagnie ORTF-TV 3:50 LTBML, *MISSING Fl 2:57* 4nov Carefull with that Axe euge [Relics] Official single 17nov Point me at the Sky 3:38 [ES]4:21 version is from Top Gear *28dec Margriethal, Utrecht 50:00 AD,Axe,IO,STC,ASOS* =========================== 1969 ============================ 14jan Top Gear 21:00 PMATS,Baby Blue,Emb,IO *22jan ORTF TV STC, ?Axe? * 21mrt Interview 25:00 14apr Royal Festival Hall 69:00 Man/Journey 12may Top Gear 20:00 GM,Cym,GitC,Axe,NW 13may Soundtrack of MORE 36:42 Movie soundtrack, only floyd bits *15may Southhampton University 51:00 AD,Axe,IO,GitC,ASOS* jun Laying Down Tracks, BBC 6:00 [MU] Cirrus Minor *16jun Cymbaline, DimDamDom ORTF-TV 3:00 also shown on 19sep* *22jun Free Trade hall Manchester 65:00 Man/Journey* jul MORE 45:01 Offical Album 10jul Omnibus BBC-TV 6:00 Moonhead 8aug Plumpton Race Track 70:00 STC,Cym,Journey,IO 17sep Concert gebouw Amsterdam 60:00 Man/Journey *25oct Amougies Pop & Jazz Festiva 14:00 Gitc/Axe from MusicPower movie* 10nov Essen Germany 17:32 AD,Gitc/Axe *MISSING IO* dec Zabriskie Point outtakes 22:00 Oenone, Fingals cave, Crumbling Land,(6:00) Rain in the country dec Zabriskie Point soundtrack 12:00 Heart Beat, Pig Meat Crumbling Land (2:05) Come on in #51, your time is up *2 instrumental bits (2:00, 1:00)* ============================================================= ABRV: * !!!! Items marked between * * are itemes I do not have. !!!! If you have any of these, and if you are willing to dub me (trade) !!!! an audio copy. !!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do so [ROIOs] [ES] Early Singles [MP] Magnesium Proverbs [MU] Music for architectural Students [TLAMLIL] Tonight let's all make love in london [TLAMLIL+] idem, sampler version, contains full version of IO [W] Wavelengths SB: Syd solo recording AD Astronomy Domine A&O Apples and Oranges Axe Carefull with that axe Eugene BabyBlu Baby blue shuffle in D# Cym Cymbaline Emb Embryo Fl Flaming G the Gnome GitC Green is the Colour IO Interstellar Overdrive JB Jugband Blues KSP Keep Smiling People (early Axe) LTBML Let there be more light MM Mathilda Mother MW Murderistic Woman MGoH Massed gadgets of Hercules NW the Narrow Way OiaM One in a Million PowR PowR Toc H RiG Reaction In G SC Scare Crow SEP See Emily Play STC Set the controls for the heart of the sun STLS Scream Thy Last Scream (aka An old woman with a casket) ============================================================ SOURCES: - Jon Rosenberg: A journey through time and space with Pink Floyd - Vernon Fitch/The Pink Floyd archives: A Guide to PINK FLOYD audio recordings. - The Echoes ROIO database - Scott Frank's A Chronological History of Early Pink Floyd Recordings - My own tape collection ============================================================= VERSIONS 1.0.1 19apr95 Fixed minor typos Retabified it. Added tracklist for Top Gear sessions 1.0 17apr95 Initial version Gerhard, ( == The Acoustic Motorbiker ==